(11:00- )
- Thursday, April 23
- Regarding the infectious disease “disinfectant”
- Thursday, May 21
- Regarding support “How to write a contact book”
- Thursday, June 25
- Disaster prevention ①
Typhoon / heavy rain / evacuation drill
- Disaster prevention ①
- Thursday, July 16
- Crime prevention
- Thursday, September 24
- Human Rights Disability Discrimination Law
- Thursday, October 22
- Abuse
- Thursday, November 26
- Infectious disease ②
“Influenza / pneumonia”
- Infectious disease ②
- Thursday, december 17
- Personal information information management
- Thursday, January 28
- Disaster prevention ②
Earthquake / tsunami
- Disaster prevention ②
- Thursday, February 25
- Mental health care
- Thursday, March 18
- Looking back on the year
New year’s efforts
- Looking back on the year
(10:00- Remote training)
- Tuesday April 28
- SST:Support content and how to make a program
- Fujisue Asayama
- Tuesday May 26
- “Language” basic knowledge level up Training ① (From the recommended book “Support Plan for Children with Developmental Disabilities”)
- Asayama
- Tuesday June 30
- DCD: Support content and how to create a program Itose
- Itose
- Tuesday, July 7
- “Language” basic knowledge level up Training② (From the recommended book “Consultation of Developmental Disabilities and Language”)
- Fujisue
- Tuesday, September 8
- 1st “Speech and Hearing Field” External Lecturer Training
- Mr. Kudo
- Tuesday, October 6
- 2nd “Speech and Hearing Field” External Lecturer Training Mr. Kudo
- Mr. Kudo
- Tuesday, October 20
- 3rd “Speech and Hearing Field” External Lecturer Training Mr. Kudo
- Mr. Kudo
- Tuesday, November 10
- “Language” basic knowledge level up training ③ (From the recommended book “Understanding and Supporting Children with Language, Communication, and Reading and Writing Difficulties”)
- Itose
- Tuesday, December 8
- Working memory: basic knowledge
- Asayama
- Tuesday, January 12
- Language training practice briefing session after external instructor guidance
- Fujisue
- Tuesday, February 9
- ABA: Basic knowledge and case study meeting
- Asayama
- Tuesday, March 9
- ABA: Case Study Meeting (Group Work)
- Itose
平成30年度 一般・指導者向け研修(LDセンター)担当者一覧
- 4月28日(土)午前
- 幼児期のことばを育てる関わり
~療育や家庭での取り組みのヒント~ - 一般
- –
- 4月28日(土)午後
- 発達障害の子どもにみられる「見る力」の問題とその指導 基礎編
- 一般
- –
- 5月12日(土)午前
- 発達障害のある子どもの理解
~新学習指導要領に沿った特別支援教育とは~ - 一般
- –
- 5月12日(土)午後
- 高次脳機能からみる発達障害の理解と支援
- 一般
- –
- 5月26日(土)午前
- 発達障害の子どもの英語教育
~英語学習をどう考え、どう教えるか~ - 一般
- 和田
- 5月26日(土)午後
- ワーキングメモリと英語学習
- 一般
- 和田
- 6月9日(土)午前
- 読み書きが苦手な子どもへの漢字の指導
- 一般
- 是枝
- 6月9日(土)午後
- 発達障害の子どもにみられる「見る力」の問題とその指導 実践編(1)
- 指導者
- –
- 6月30日(土)午前
- 自閉症スペクトラム症の理解
~関係性を重視したアプローチ「ジャスパー」など最新情報をふまえて~ - 一般
- –
- 6月30日(土)午後
- 言語発達の理解とことばの発達を促す関わりとは
- 一般
- 是枝
- 7月14日(土)午前
- 幼児期の発達障害のある子どもの理解と支援
- 一般
- 藤末
- 7月14日(土)午後
- 発達障害の子どもにみられる「見る力」の問題とその指導 実践編(2)
- 指導者
- –
- 7月21日(土)午前
- ワーキングメモリの特性を踏まえた語彙・漢字指導の実践
- 指導者
- 和田
- 7月21日(土)午後
- 脳活動に見るコミュニケーションの仕組み
~ASDの人のコミュニケーション支援に役立てるには?~ - 一般
- –
- 8月4日(土)午前
- 限局性学習症とは
~読み・書き・算数のつまづきの理解~ - 一般
- –
- 8月4日(土)午後
- 学習症のある子どもの指導
~読み・書き・算数の指導~ - 指導者
- –
- 8月5日(日)終日
- 読み書きのつまづきのある事例の評価と指導計画
- 指導者
- –
- 8月11日(祝)終日
- 読み書きにつまづきく子どもへの読み書きの指導
~かな文字を中心に~ - 指導者
- –
- 8月25日(土)終日
- 視覚機能のアセスメントとトレーニング ワークショップ
- 指導者
- 朝山
- 9月1日(土)午前
- ダウン症の人の理解と支援
~障害発達支援を考える~ - 一般
- 瀬古
- 9月1日(土)午後
- 発達障害の子どものための楽しい感覚運動あそび
- 一般
- 栗原
- 9月22日(土)午前
- 発達障害のある子どもに教える学習の方略
- 一般
- 夷子
- 9月22日(土)午後
- ウェクスラー系知能検査の結果の理解
~WPPSI-Ⅲ,WISC-Ⅳ,WAIS-Ⅲは何をみているか~ - 指導者
- 朝山
- 10月13日(土)午前
- 教育現場で活かす応用行動分析
~通常学級での行動の問題への対応を中心に~ - 一般
- 夷子
- 10月13日(土)午後
- 発達障害ある子どもの感覚と運動の問題の理解とその対応
- 一般
- 糸瀬
- 10月27日(土)午前
- 幼児期の発達障害のある子どもへのコミュニケーション指導
- 一般
- 平林
- 10月27日(土)午後
- ソーシャルスキルトレーニングの理解と実際
- 一般
- 平林
平成30年度 会議・研修内容
11:00~ 堀江教室 毎月第3木曜日
- 19日(木)
- ガイドライン
- 24日(木)
- 個人情報の保護
- 5日(火)
- 感染症予防と対策
講師:宗清 芳美先生
- 感染症予防と対策
- 19日(木)
- 集団指導報告
- 20日(木)
- 人権
- 18日(木)
- 防災・防火
- 22日(木)
- 虐待
- 20日(木)
- 障害者差別法
- 17日(木)
- 感染症②
- 21日(木)
- 緊急時対応
- 14日(木)
- 新学期への引継ぎ・準備
10:00~ 大正教室 年2回 春・秋
- 17日(木)
- 安全運転講習表彰式
10:00~ あべの帝塚山教室 毎月第2火曜日
- 17日(火)
第3 - ①MIM教材の使い方
- 朝山・糸瀬
- 12日(火)
- ① 発達障害の子どもへの英語教育
~フォニックスを学ぶ~ - 和田
- ① 発達障害の子どもへの英語教育
- 12日(木)
- ① DCD(協調性発達障がい)
<すみよし教室> - 講師
- ① DCD(協調性発達障がい)
- 11日(火)
- ① 英語と漢字の学習におけるワーキングメモリの役割
- 和田
- ② 読み書きにつまづきのある子どもの漢字の習得
- 是枝
- 9日(火)
- ① 幼児期における発達障害の基礎知識と支援方法
- 藤末
- ② 言葉発達と言葉の理解
- 是枝
- 13日(火)
- ① 「MIM」実践報告
- 朝山
- ② 視機能アセスメントとトレーニング方法
- 朝山・三輪
- 11日(火)
- ① ダウン症の障がい発達支援を考える
- 瀬古
- ② 発達障害の子どものための感覚運動あそび
- 栗原
- 22日(火)
- ① 発達障害の子どものための学習方略
- 夷子
- ② 知能検査の結果の見方
- 朝山
- 12日(火)
- ① 応用行動分析を現場で活かすには?
- 夷子
- ② 発達障害のある子どもの感覚と運動の問題
- 糸瀬
- 12日(火)
- ① 幼児期のコミュニケション指導とは?
- 平林
- ② ソーシャルスキルトレーニングを実践してみよう
- 平林
- 26日(土)
- 午前
- 発達障害の子どもの英語教育
~英語学習をどう考え、どう教えるか~ - 和田
- 午後
- ワーキングメモリと英語学習
- 和田
- 9日(土)
- 午前
- 読み書きが苦手な子どもへの漢字の指導
- 是枝
- 30日(土)
- 午後
- 言語発達の理解とことばの発達を促す関わりとは
- 是枝
- 14日(土)
- 午前
- 幼児期の発達障害のある子どもの理解と支援
- 藤末
- 21日(土)
- 午前
- ワーキングメモリの特性を踏まえた語彙・漢字指導の実践
- 和田
- 25日(土)
- 全日
- 視覚機能のアセスメントとトレーニング
ワークショップ - 朝山
- 1日(土)
- 午前
- ダウン症の人の理解と支援
~障害発達支援を考える~ - 瀬古
- 午後
- 発達障害の子どものための楽しい感覚運動あそび
- 栗原
- 22日(土)
- 午前
- 発達障害のある子どもに教える学習の方略
- 夷子
- 午後
- ウェクスラー系知能検査の結果の理解
~WPPSI-Ⅲ,WISC-Ⅳ,WAIS-Ⅲは何をみているか~ - 朝山
- 13日(土)
- 午前
- 教育現場で活かす応用行動分析
~通常学級での行動の問題への対応を中心に~ - 夷子
- 午後
- 発達障害ある子どもの感覚と運動の問題の理解とその対応
- 糸瀬
- 27日(土)
- 午前
- 幼児期の発達障害のある子どもへのコミュニケーション指導
- 平林
- 午後
- ソーシャルスキルトレーニングの理解と実際
- 平林
Internal Training (Recuperative Training) in 2017
- 9:00 ~ 13:00
- Training contents
- Parents Training “Case study meeting”
- Person in charge
Ms. Kawashima
- 10:00 ~ 10:50
- Training contents
- “Support for students with developmental disabilities”
“How do you consult a child psychiatrist?”
- “Support for students with developmental disabilities”
- Person in charge
Ms. Kawashima
Ms. Yamakawa
- 11:00 ~ 11:50
- Training contents
- Workshop
- Person in charge
President Shibagaki
- 9:00 ~ 13:00
- Training contents
- ① Parent Training “The importance of self-introduction and baseline”
- Person in charge
Ms. Kawashima
- 9:00 ~ 13:00
- Training contents
- ② Parent Training “Road to Observation ~ How to Record ~”
- Person in charge
Ms. Kawashima
- 10:00 ~ 10:50
- Training contents
- Study Group ① Applied Behavior Analysis “Baseline”
- Person in charge
Ms. Kawashima
Ms. Asamayama
- 11:00 ~ 11:50
- Training contents
- Study Session ② Applied behavior analysis “How to record”
- Person in charge
Ms. Kawashima
Ms. Asamayama
- 9:00 ~ 13:00
- Training contents
- ③ Parent Training “Narrow down the target behavior”
- Person in charge
Ms. Kawashima
- 9:00 ~ 13:00
- Training contents
- ④ Parent Training “Road to good praise ~ Principle of strengthening ~”
- Person in charge
Ms. Kawashima
- 10:00 ~ 10:50
- Training contents
- Study session ① About English support
- Person in charge
Ms. Koreeda
Ms. Hirabayashi
- 11:00 ~ 11:50
- Training contents
- Study group ② Applied behavior analysis “Principle of narrowing down and strengthening target behavior”
- Person in charge
Mr. Kataoka
Ms. Itose
- 9:00 ~ 13:00
- Training contents
- ⑤ Parent Training “Road to good ingenuity ~ Prior event operation ~”
- Person in charge
Ms. Kawashima
- 10:00 ~ 10:50
- Training contents
- Study meeting ① About assessment and training of “seeing power”
- Person in charge
Ms. Namba
Ms. Itose
Ms. Asayama
- 11:00 ~ 11:50
- Training contents
- Study group ② Applied behavior analysis “Prior event operation”
- Person in charge
Ms. Seko
Ms. Kadoya
- 9:00 ~ 13:00
- Training contents
- ⑥ Parents Training “Summary”
- Person in charge
Ms. Kawashima
- 10:00 ~ 10:50
- Training contents
- Study meeting ① Think about parental support
- Person in charge
Mr. Kataoka
Ms Asayama
- 11:00 ~ 11:50
- Training contents
- Study group ② Applied behavior analysis “Summary”
- Person in charge
Ms. Asayama
Ms. Koreeda
- 900 ~ 13:00
- Training contents
- ⑦ Peatore “Follow-Up Session”
- Person in charge
Ms. Kawashima
- 10:00 ~ 10:50
- Training contents
- Study meeting ① About assessment model reading MIM
- Person in charge
Ms. Asayama
Ms. Itose
- 11:00 ~ 11:50
- Training contents
- Study group ② Applied behavior analysis “Practice meeting”
- Person in charge
Ms. Kawashima
Regular Workshop 2017
- 10:00 ~ 12:00
“New Comer Training”
- 11:00 ~ 12:00
Overall meeting “Ethics”
- 11:00 ~ 12:00
Overall meeting “Lifesaving course”
- 10:00 ~ 12:00
“Driver Training: Safety Driving Workshop”
- 10:30-12:30
“Group guidance” (Horie, Fukushima, Sagisu)
- 14:00 ~ 16:00
“Group guidance” (Taisho, Abeno-Tezukayama)
- 11:00 ~ 12:00
Overall Meeting “Infectious Disease ①”
- 11:00 ~ 12:00
Overall meeting “Group guidance report”
- 11:00 ~ 12:00
Plenary session “Abuse”
- From the morning
“Driver training: content to be determined”
- 11:00 ~ 12:00
General Meeting “Fire Protection / Disaster Prevention”
- 11:00 ~ 12:00
Overall Meeting “Infectious Disease ②”
- 11:00 ~ 12:00
Plenary Session “Human Rights”
- 11:00 ~ 12:00
General Meeting “Disability Discrimination Act”
- 11:00 ~ 12:00
Overall meeting “Emergency response”
- 11:00 ~ 12:00
Overall meeting “Towards the new semester”
Internal Study Meeting Schedule 2016
- 10:00 ~ 10:50
- Training contents
- Music Therapy
- Person in charge
Mr. Fujimoto
- 11:00 ~ 11:50
- Training contents
- Gardening Therapy
- Person in charge
Ms. Hasegawa
- 10:00 ~ 10:50
- Training contents
- How can I teach mathematical sentence subjects according to the characteristics of children with developmental disabilities?
- Person in charge
Ms. Asayama
Mr. kataoka
- 11:00 ~ 11:50
- Training contents
- Support through play to children with developmental challenges
- Person in charge
Mr. Kanki
Ms. Kadoya
Mr. Hasegawa
- 10:00 ~ 10:50
- Training contents
- The movement of the body to experience in early childhood is based on learning and sociality
- Person in charge
Ms. Hasegawa
Ms. Itose
- 11:00 ~ 11:50
- Training contents
- The problem of ‘seeing power’ seen in children with developmental disorders and their guidance: Basic
- Person in charge
Ms. Asayama
Ms. Imoto
- 10:00 ~ 10:50
- Training contents
- Let’s learn parent training
- Person in charge
Ms. Kawashima
Ms. Seko
- 11:00 ~ 11:50
- Training contents
- What is Universal Design and Inclusive Education, learned from developed countries with reasonable consideration?
- What kind of assistive technology can be proposed as reasonable consideration for children with developmental disabilities?
- Person in charge
Ms. Yamakawa
Ms. Hannya
- 18:00 ~ 18:35
- Training contents
- How to help adults in handling children’s hands?
- Person in charge
Ms. Hasegawa (Yu)
Ms. Itose
- 18:45 ~ 19:20
- Training contents
- Understanding and responding to easy-going children Anger management
- Person in charge
Ms. Seko
Mr. Kataoka
- 10:00 ~ 10:35
- Training contents
- Adult assistance to work using hands that children work on
- Person in charge
Ms. Hasegawa
Ms. Itose
- 10:45 ~ 11:20
- Training contents
- Understanding and responding to easy-to-follow children Anger Management
- Person in charge
Mr. Kataoka and Ms. SekoSetago
- 10:00 ~ 10:50
- Training contents
- Localized learning disorder Understanding and teaching method for children with impairment of reading and writing
- Person in charge
Ms. Seko
Ms. Kawashima
- 11:00 ~ 11:50
- Training contents
- Vision Assessment ‘WAVES’ Assessment and Training
- Person in charge
Ms. Asayama
Ms. Yamakawa
- 10:00 ~ 10: 50
- Training contents
- Teaching methods for children struggling to read and write
- Person in charge
Ms. Seko
Ms. Kawashima
- 11:00 ~ 11:50
- Training contents
- Evaluation from an example with problems in reading and writing
- Person in charge
Ms. Seko
Ms. Kawashima,Mr. Kataoka
- 10:00 ~ 10:50 & 11:00 ~ 11:50
- Training contents
- Vision Assessment ‘WAVES’ Wakuaku Edison Case Study
- Person in charge
Ms. Asayama
Ms. Yamakawa
- 10:00 ~ 10:50
- Training contents
- On the care of the mind to children with developmental disabilities conducted through art
- Person in charge
Ms. Kadoya
Mr. Kanki
- 11:00 ~ 11:50
- Training contents
- Knowledge necessary for interpretation of intelligence test
- Person in charge
Ms. Yamakawa
Mr. Kanki
- 10:00 ~ 10:50
- Training contents
- How to develop children’s reading and writing power
- Person in charge
Ms. Kawashima
Ms. Asada
- 11:00 ~ 11:50
- Training contents
- Understanding and utilization of reading ability comprehensive regional inspection (CARD)
- Person in charge
Ms. Kawashima
Ms. Asada
- 10:00 ~ 10:50
- Training contents
- Dietary course
- Person in charge
Ms. Asada
- 11:00 ~ 11:50
- Training contents
- Understanding and supporting ADHD
- Person in charge
Ms. Nakano
Ms. Asayama
- 10:00 ~ 10:50
- Training contents
- Language development and brain function
- Person in charge
Mr. Kataoka
Ms. Kadoya
- 11:00 ~ 11:50
- Training contents
- Cognitive characteristics understood by psychological test such as WISK-IV
- Person in charge
Ms. Asada
Ms. Yamakawa
Ms. Asayama
- 10:00 ~ 10:50
- Training contents
- Teaching methods for children whose pronunciation is unclear, wrong children
- Person in charge
Ms. Kadoya
Mr. Kataoka
- 11:00 ~ 11:50
- Training contents
- Understanding and interpretation of vision • assessment “WEAVS” to nurture “seeing power”
- Person in charge
Ms. Asayama
Ms. Yamakawa
- 10:00 ~ 10:50
- Training contents
- Meals intake and swallowing problems of children with disabilities including Down Syndrome • Correspondence
- How to encourage the development of languages and communication to children with delay including Down Syndrome?
- Person in charge
Ms. Itose
Ms. Hasegawa
- 11:00 ~ 11:50
- Training contents
- Issues and support method from junior high school students with autism spectrum system
- Person in charge
Mr. Kanki
Mr. Kataoka
- 10:00 ~ 10:50 & 11:00 ~ 11:50
- Training contents
- Evaluation of working memory execution function
Learning support making full use of working memory
- Evaluation of working memory execution function
- Person in charge
Ms. Itose
Ms. Kadoya
- 10:00 ~ 10:50
- Training contents
- What is Supportive Education that fosters the basic sense of child who care about development?
- Person in charge
Ms. Nakano
Mr. Hasegawa
- 11:00 ~ 11:50
- Training contents
- Understanding and response to sleep problems seen in children with developmental disorders
- Person in charge
Ms. Koreeda
Ms. Hasegawa
- 10:00 ~ 10:50
- Training contents
- Support for students with developmental disabilities
What is the time to consult a child youth psychiatrist?
- Support for students with developmental disabilities
- Person in charge
Ms. Kawashima
Ms. Yamakawa
Flow of Training
- From 9:00 ~
- Setting of desk & chair
- Preparation for video (recording)(Battery, storage room, tape)
- Confirmation of projector
- PowerPoint demonstration
- Installation of reception desk (attendance book & distribution material)
- From 9:45 ~
- Check the attendance of attendees by round mark(Seat, not specified)
- Distribute materials to conference attendees
- From 9:55 ~
- Start announcement
- From 10:00 ~
- Start meeting(* Time management)
- 30 minutes elapsed
- Q & A Response(* We will proceed to answer each classroom one by one)
- 50 minutes elapsed
- Announcement of end and guide of break
- Well-known time of start(in the second part consideration for pick-up)
- ☆1st Part & 2nd Part
- From 11:50 ~
- Present to take over* On June 28th the style of the training report Regarding lending of recorded video
(Keep training videos in Fukushima Office.
For lending of training videos, ask Fukushima Office.
About filling out the loan form.
Submission of report when returning)
- Dissolution
- Withdrawal of projector & video
Desk & Chair withdrawal* Projector: Abeno Team
Video: Fukushima Team
Desk & chair: All Staff
- Put the video on CD2 copies: 1 copy for lending 1 copy for storage
Title: Tepra (date, title, person in charge)
- Storage of training materials by filing
- Reflecting the attendance situation (Managerial employee & Full-time employee)
- When there is a report, reconfirmation of the due date (submitted by 2 o’clock after 2 weeks)
Form and submission of supplementary report
- Horizontal writing, A4 size (horizontal 40 characters ×vertical 40 rows)
- Margin: Unified to 30 mm vertically and horizontally
- Representation of each item: 1, 2, /(1) (2) / 1) 2)/ ① ②
- Font size: Total 10.5P /Title 12P /Item 11P /Note set to 9P